Message on Hold
Commercial Production
Every time you have a customer on hold you have an opportunity to promote
your company, the products you carry or the upcoming promotion. Why would
you want anything else?
Channel Ideas will produce professional messages that can be on CD or run
on provided pc software that plugs directly into your phone system. All you
need to do each month is determine what specials and events you wish to
promote and we do the rest. you can write the script or we will.
Imagine every time a customer calls and holds you are accomplishing the
same thing you ask your staff to do when with friends. every day, every
For years you have relied on advertising and
word of mouth to build your business. For all the
money you have spent, have you put effort into
making your “phone on hold” message more
than music, or worse yet, dead silence? We think
you can spend a few minutes a month and
change the customer experience to a positive
Get your message across and make
the wait for the customer seem
Tie the message to your
print, radio and TV
Change your messages as
often as you wish
Can be used with virtually
any phone system
Be confident you are
effectively communicating
with your customers
Make it Easy...Make it
When thinking about your company
message and how it is perceived are
you confident you deliver the best
image? Worse yet, have you really
considered what is being seen and
heard on your Phone Message, Web
Site and Advertising?
Channel Ideas will work with you to
accomplish the "Message Synergy"
major corporations have...and it can
be done simply with our help. The best
part is you won't have to pay major
corporate fees. We offer everything
from one time production to monthly
and campaign services.
Click on the Audio Samples section to
the left on this page to get an idea of
what we can do for you.